So I guess we'll go back a month to mid-May. Ekk! Mimi & Popo made a visit to keep Andrew while Tim and I packed up and hopped on a plane to sunny Mexico. We were gone a week, and they had a blast together. We were lucky enough they were still here for the weekend when we returned so we got some time together too.
Andrew was spoiled rotten as to be expected and even got a fancy new sand box. Or as he calls it his "b box"!
So since we did move a little farther south we are less than 10m from my grandparents on my dads side. So needless to say Andrew is getting plenty of Pepa and Pawpaw time these days.
Its getting HOT! Very hot that being outside is becoming unbearable, Im so thankful this little guy naps in the middle of the day just so we can have a break from the heat. So what is there better to do than strip to his diaper and play in the water....or just strip all together. ;)
Being near the lake is nice too. We took Andrew to the public lake access a week or so ago and lets just say he LOVES his life vest. He wont let me take it off. It helps that we have a boat now too...and hopefully will get it in the water soon. I cant wait to spend Sat/Sun mornings on the water with this little guy.
Words, words, words. Talking is becoming huge right now for Andrew. He is putting several words together for small sentences. He's up to 3 words sometimes which is such a shock for me to hear sometimes. Esp when he looks and us and says "love you daddy/mommy". That could be the sweetest thing Ive ever heard. Here are a few short videos of him saying a few things.
Other than that we are just trying to find things fun to do each and every weekend. There wont be much traveling this summer and thats okay. We will keep busy, whether in the yard, on the lake or out and about.
This weekend we have planned an Open House for family and friends who havent seen our home yet and Im so excited for Andrew to have a few playmates. Hopefully many pics to follow.
For now I promise to update more and often! Hope everyone has a fun and safe summer!
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